


All my books related to JFK


(in alphabetic order by author)
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(*)    A  - related to JFK Assassination
        B - related to JFK life
        C - related to JFK family
        D - Miscellaneous related to JFK time 

Author Lang. Cat.(*) Year Title
 AA.VV. Eng B DVD 1960 TV Presidential Debate Kennedy-Nixon
 AA.VV. Eng A CD-Rom 1963 JFK Assassination Documents and Warren Commission Report on the Assassination of President JFK
 AA.VV. Eng B 1964 A Tribute to John F.Kennedy
 AA.VV. Eng A CD-Audio Assassination - The Death of JFK
 AA.VV. Eng D CD-Rom Campaigning & The Presidency 1892-1974  [155 MP3s]
 AA.VV. Eng A 1968 Clay Shaw Trial Transcritps
 AA.VV. Ita A VHS Documentari sull'omicidio di J.F.Kennedy
 AA.VV. Ita A 1973 Gli Attentatori [Rivoltelle contro il potere]
 AA.VV. Eng B DVD Hyannis Port and the Presidency of John F.Kennedy
 AA.VV. Eng D CD-Audio I Love Music - 3CD Box- 1960-64
 AA.VV. Eng A CD-Rom JFK Assassination [A Visual Investigation]
 AA.VV. Eng B DVD JFK Films
 AA.VV. Eng B CD-Rom JFK - Photos-Speeches-Documents eBook
 AA.VV. Eng D 2000 JFK Memorial - Dallas
 AA.VV. (C-Span TV) Eng B DVD JFK Presidential Library
 AA.VV. Eng A VHS-1998 JFK: The Dallas Tapes
 AA.VV. Eng B 2007 John F.Kennedy [Quotes/Trivia]
 AA.VV. Eng B 2003 Kennedy 1963-2003
 AA.VV. Eng B VHS-1988 Kennedy [Miniseries TV in 2 parts with Martin Sheen]
 AA.VV. Eng C DVD-2011 Kennedys [The complete 8-part series]
 AA.VV. Eng A CD Lee Harvey Oswald - Radio interview at New Orleans - Aug.17,1963
 AA.VV. Eng D DVD Marilyn Monroe Films -Set 1 [set of 7 DVD]
 AA.VV. Eng D DVD Marilyn Monroe Films -Set 2 [set of 6 DVD]
 AA.VV. Ita D DVD Martin Luther King - "I have a dream" - Washington - August 29,1963
 AA.VV. Eng A DVD On Trial : Lee Harvey Oswald
 AA.VV. Eng A 1967-69 Orleans Parish Grand Jury Trascripts
 AA.VV. Eng D DVD Presidential Campaign Ads - Volume I : 1952-1964
 AA.VV. Eng D 1968 Presidents and Famous Americans
 AA.VV. Ita A 1964 Rapporto Warren sull'Assassinio di Kennedy
 AA.VV. Ita A DVD Ruby - Il terzo uomo a Dallas
 AA.VV. Eng D DVD The Complete Marilyn Monroe
 AA.VV. Eng A CD-Rom The JFK Assassination MP3 CD
 AA.VV. Eng A VHS-1996 The JFK Conspiracy
 AA.VV. Eng C DVD The Kennedys- 1900-1961 The early years
 AA.VV. Eng C DVD The Kennedys- 1962-1980 The later years
 AA.VV. Eng A 1990 The Kennedy Assassination - Murder Casebook
 AA.VV. Eng A 1976 The Schweiker-Hart Report [The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F.Kennedy: Performance of the Intelligence Agencies]
 AA.VV. Eng D DVD The Speeches Collection [JFK, M.L.King, G.Ford, R.Reagan]
 AA.VV. Eng A VHS The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Executive Session Transcripts
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report [Report of the Presidents Commission on the Assassination of President John F.Kennedy]
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report : The Witnesses [The highlights of hearings before the Warren Commission]
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 1
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 2
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 3
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 4
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 5
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 6
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 7
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 8
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 9
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 10
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 11
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 12
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 13
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 14
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 15
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 16
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 17
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 18
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 19
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 20
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 21
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 22
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 23
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 24
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 25
 AA.VV. Eng A 1964 The Warren Commission Report: Hearings & Exhibits - Vol. 26
 AA.VV. Eng D DVD Universal Newsreels Volume XII : 1960
 AA.VV. Eng D DVD Universal Newsreels Volume XIII : 1961-1963
 AA.VV. Eng B 1964 Visit to Ireland - 26th-29th June, 1963
Abbot Arlinda Eng D 2003 Dealey Plaza
ABC News Eng A DVD LBJ Phone Calls following JFK Assassination
Abraham Philip Eng B 2002 John F.Kennedy and PT109
Adams Don Eng A 2012 From an office building with a high-powered rifle
Adler Bill Eng C 2004 The eloquent Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis [A portrait in her own words]
Adler David A. Eng B 1991 A Picture Book of John F.Kennedy
Aitken Jonathan Eng D 1993 Nixon : A Life
Albarelli H.P. Jr Eng A 2013 A Secret Order [Investigating the High Strangeness and Synchronicity in the JFK Assassination]
Alford Mimi Ita B 2012 Ho amato JFK
Alford Mimi Eng B 2012 Once Upon a Secret [My affair with President John F.Kennedy and its aftermath]
Amazon Eng B 2017 JFK 100th Anniversary
Andersen Christopher Eng C 1996 Jack and Jackie [Portrait of an American Marriage]
Andersen Christopher Eng C 1998 Jackie after Jack
Andersen Christopher Eng C 2003 Sweet Caroline
Andersen Christopher Eng C 2014 The Good Son [JFK Jr and the Mother He Loved]
Andrews Jay David Eng C 1998 Young Kennedys- The New Generation [The continuing history - and headlines - of America's royal family]
Anson Robert Sam Eng A 1975 "They've killed the President!" [The search for the murderers of John F.Kennedy]
Archer Jeffrey Ita D 1992 Sette giorni per il Presidente
Aubrey Edmund Eng A 1980 Sherlock Holmes in Dallas
Avedon Richard - Shannon Thomas Perich Eng C 2007 The Kennedys - Portrait of a family
Aynesworth Hugh Eng A 2003 JFK : Breaking the News
Ayton Mel Eng A 1999 Questions of Conspiracy
Ayton Mel Eng C 2001 Questions of Controversy : The Kennedy Brothers
Ayton Mel Eng A 2002 The JFK Assassination : Dispelling the Myths
Badler Scott Eng B 2022 JFK & the Muckers of Choate
Bailey Neal Eng C 2015 Caroline Kennedy [Female Force Series]
Baldrige Letitia Eng C 1998 In the Kennedy Style [Magical evenings in the Kennedy White House]
Ballard Robert D. Eng B 2002 Collision with History [The Search for John F.Kennedy's PT 109]
Barbara Luigi Ita B 1980 Kennedy - La piu' grande Biografia illustrata [ 2 Volumi]
Barbara Luigi Ita B 1985 La biografia di JFK [L'intensa vita del Presidente della "Nuova Frontiera"]
Barker Eddie & Dempsey John Mark Eng A 2006 Eddie Barker's Notebook
Barnes John A. Eng B 2005 John F. Kennedy on Leadership
Bedell Smith Sally Eng C 2004 Grace and Power [The Private World of the Kennedy White House]
Benson Harry Eng C 2008 R.F.K. - A Photographer's Journal
Benson Michael Eng A 2002 Encyclopedia of the JFK Assassination
Ben-Zvi Abraham Eng B 2002 JFK and the politics of arms sales to Israel
Bergin Michael Eng C 2004 The Other Man- A Love Story [John F.Kennedy Jr, Carolyn Bessette, & me]
Beschloss Michael R. Eng D 1997 Taking Charge [The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963-1964]
Beugne' Richard Fre C 2013 Les Kennedy
Biagi Enzo Ita D 1995 I Padroni del Mondo - America
Biagi-Melega-Pancera-Venè Ita C 1968 I Kennedy - Gloria e tragedia di una grande famiglia
Bishop Jim Eng A 1968 The Day Kennedy was Shot
Bishop Jim Eng D 1983 The Day Lincoln was shot [An hour-by-hour account of what really happened on April 14,1865]
Bisiach Gianni Ita B 1993 Il Presidente [La lunga storia di una breve vita]
Bisiach Gianni Ita B 2013 Il Presidente [La vita e la leggenda di JFK a cinquant'anni dall'assassinio]
Bisiach Gianni Ita C 2006 I Kennedy [La dinastia che ha segnato un secolo]
Blaine Gerald, with Lisa McCubbin Eng A 2010 The Kennedy Detail [JFK's Secret Service agents break their silence]
Blakey G.Robert & Billings Richard N. Eng A 1992 Fatal Hour [The assassination of President Kennedy by organized crime]
Blight James G. - Lang Janet M. - Welch David A. Eng D 2009 VIETNAM - If Kennedy Had Lived [Virtual JFK]
Bloomgarden Henry S. Eng A 1975 The Gun [A Biography of the gun that  killed JFK]
Blow Richard Eng C 2002 American Son [A portrait di John F. Kennedy,Jr]
Bly Nellie Eng C 1996 The Kennedy Men : Three generations of sex, scandal and secrets
Bolden Abraham Eng A 2008 The Echo from Dealey Plaza
Boomhower Ray E. Eng C 2008 Robert F.Kennedy and the 1968 Indiana Primary
Borghese Marina Ita C 1977 I fratelli Kennedy
Bowles Hamish Eng C 2001 Jacqueline Kennedy : the White House Years [Selections from the John F.Kennedy Library and Museum]
Brachino Claudio Ita D 2005 Top Secret [I gialli più inquietanti del nostro tempo]
Bradford Sarah Eng C 2000 America's Queen [The life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis]
Bradlee Benjamin C. Eng B 1975 Conversations with Kennedy
Braver Adam Ita D 2008 Dallas, 22 Novembre 1963
Braudy Susan Eng D 2018 Kick Kennedy's Secret Diary
Brennan Howard L. Eng A 1987 Eyewitness to History
Brookhisher Richard Eng D 2002 The Adamses 1735-1918 - America's First Dinasty
Brown Peter Harry & Barham P.B. Eng D 1992 Marilyn - The last take
Brown Ray "Tex" with Don Lasseter Eng A 1996 Broken Silence [The Truth about Lee Harvey Oswald, LBJ and the Assassination of JFK]
Brown Walt Eng A 1995 The JFK Assassination Quiz Book
Brown Walt Eng A 1992 The People v. Lee Harvey Oswald
Brown Walt Eng A 2005 The Guns of Texas are Upon You
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination :Read Me
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Book 1: Dinasty.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Book 2: Death.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Book 3: Disappointment.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Book 4: Discovery.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 1: JFK's Speeches.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 2: Marina Oswald.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 3: Characterizations.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 4: Odyssey.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 5: The Assassinations Parables.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 6: The Medical, In Their Own Words.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 7: Cuba.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 8: The Investigators.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 9: Organized Crime.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 10: Facts.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 11: Motorcade Participants.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 12: Secret Service Perceptions.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 13: Jack Ruby.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 14: The U-2.
Brown Walt Eng A 2013 -ebook Master Chronology of JFK Assassination. Appendix 15: Dealey Plaza Eyewitnesses.
Bruzzone Natalino Ita D 1993 Il quarto sparo
Bryant Nick Eng B 2006 The Bystander [JFK and the struggle for black equality]
Buchanan Larry Eng A VHS-1964 Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald
Bugialli-Corsini-Fiore- Governi-Nencini- Sterpellone Ita A 1968 Chi ha ucciso i Kennedy
Bugliosi Vincent Eng A 2007 Four Days in November [The Assassination of John F.Kennedy]
Bugliosi Vincent Eng A 2007 Reclaiming History [The Assassination of John F.Kennedy]
Burdick Eugene Ita D 1964 Il Successore
Burdick Eugene & Wheeler Harvey Ita D 1968 A prova di errore
Burke Richard E. Ita C 1993 Il Senatore [Sesso, Affari e Politica in casa Ted Kennedy]
Burleigh Nina Eng D 1999 A Very Private Woman [The Life and Unsolved Murder of Presidential Mistress Mary Meyer]
Byrne Paula Eng C 2016 Kick [The true story of Kick Kennedy, JFK's forgotten sister and the heir to Chatsworth]
Campbell Adamson Bruce Eng A 1995 The JFK Assassination Timeline Chart
Canal John Eng A 2000 Silencing the lone assassin [The murders of JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald]
Cappi Andrea Carlo Ita D 2012 La donna piu' bella del mondo [Vita, morte e segreti di Marilyn Monroe]
Carpi Pier Ita D 1992 La Banda Kennedy
Carr William H.A. Eng B 1963 JFK - A Complete Biography 1917-1963
Casey Shaun A. Eng B 2009 The Making of a Catholic President [Kennedy vs Nixon 1960]
Cassini Oleg Eng C 1995 A thousand days of magic [Dressing Jacqueline Kennedy for the White House]
Chambers G.Paul Eng A 2010 Head Shot [The Science behind the JFK Assassination]
Chatelain Peter Eng D 2009 The Quiet Companion [Malice in the shadow of JFK]
Chellis Marcia Eng C 1985 Living with the Kennedys - The Joan Kennedy Story
Chomsky Noam Ita B 1993 Alla corte di Re Artu'
CIA Eng D 1996 CIA targets Fidel [The secret asssassination report-1967]
Clark Colin Ita D 2012 La mia settimana con Marilyn
Clark Colin Eng D 2011 My week with Marilyn
Clarke Thurston Eng C 2008 The Last Campaign [Robert F.Kennedy and 82 days that inspired America]
Clarke Thurston Ita B 2006 Ask Not [Il discorso di John F.Kennedy che cambio' l'America]
Clayton Marie Eng D 2003 Marilyn Monroe - Unseen Archives
Collier Peter & Horowitz David Eng C 1984 The Kennedys : an American drama
Collier Peter & Horowitz David Ita C 1986 I Kennedy : una storia americana
Colombo Furio Ita D 1974 Da Kennedy a Watergate [Quindici anni di vita americana]
Colombo Furio Ita B 1984 L'America di Kennedy
Condon Diane Russell Eng C 1996 Jackie's treasures [The Fabled Objects from the Auction of the Century]
Condon Richard Eng D 1974 Winter kills
Connally John and Herskowitz Mickey Eng D 1993 In History's Shadow - An American Odyssey
Connally Nellie and Herskowitz Mickey Eng A 2003 From Love Field : our final hours with President John F.Kennedy
Connelly Michael Eng B 2009 The President's team [The 1963 Army-Navy game and the assassination of JFK]
Cooper Ilene Eng B 2003 Jack - The early years of John F. Kennedy
Corley Linda Eng C 2008 The Kennedy Family Album [Personal photos of America's First Family]
Cornwell Gary Eng A 1998 Real Answers
Corsi Jerome R. Eng A 2013 Who really killed Kennedy?  [50 years later - Stunning new revelations about the JFK Assassination]
Cortesi Paolo Ita A 2008 Chi lo ha ucciso?
Cottrell John Eng A 1964 Assassination! The World Stood Still
Coulter Laurie Eng C 2000 When John and Caroline lived in the White House
Craig John R. - Rogers Philip A. Eng A 1992 The Man on the Grassy Knoll
Crenshaw Charles A. Eng A 2001 Trauma Room One : The JFK Medical Cover-up Exposed
Curry Jesse Eng A 1969 JFK Assassination File
Daily Express Special Eng C 1968 The politics of hate [from John Kennedy to Bobby Kennedy]
Dale Scott Peter Eng A 1996 Deep Politics and the Death of JFK
Dallas Rita Eng C 1973 The Kenendy Case [The intimate memoirs of the lead nurse to Joseph P.Kennedy during thelast 8 years of his life]
Dallek Robert Eng B 2003 An unfinished life - John F Kennedy 1917-1963
Dallek Robert Ita B 2004 JFK - Una vita incompiuta
Dallek Robert Eng B 2013 Camelot's Court [Inside the Kennedy White House]
Dallek Robert Eng D 2020 How did we get here? [From Theodore Roosevelt to Donald Trump]
Damore Leo Eng C 1988 Senatorial Privilege - The Chappaquiddick Cover-up
Daum Andreas W. Eng B 2008 Kennedy in Berlin
David Jay (editor) Eng B 1967 The Kennedy Reader
Davis Margaret Leslie Eng C 2008 Mona Lisa in Camelot
David Lester Eng C 1971 Ethel - The story of Mrs Robert F.Kennedy
David Lester Eng C 1994 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis - A portrait of her private years
David Lester Eng C 1974 Joan, the Reluctant Kennedy
David Lester Eng C 1975 Ted Kennedy - Triumphs and Tragedies
David Lester & David Irene Eng C 1986 Bobby Kennedy - The Making of a Folk Hero
Davis F.Keith Eng B 2003 West Virginia Tough Boys [Vote Buying, Fist Fighting and A President named JFK]
Davis John H. Eng A 1989 Mafia Kingfish [Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F.Kennedy]
Davis John H. Eng A 1993 The Kennedy Contract [The Mafia plot to assassinate the President]
Davy William Eng A 1999 Let Justice be done [New light on the Jim Garrison Investigation]
De Lillo Don Ita D 1988 Libra
Dempsey John Mark Eng A 2000 The Jack Ruby Trial Revisited [The Diary of Jury Foreman Max Causey]
De Dienes Andre Eng D 2002 Marilyn - Thre Volume Set Box
De Morenschildt George Eng A 1977 "I am a Patsy!"
Dherbier Yann-Brice & Verlhac Pierre-Henri Ita C 2007 Jackie Kennedy [Protagonista del suo tempo]
Dherbier Yann-Brice & Verlhac Pierre-Henri Eng B 2003 John Fitzgerald Kennedy - A Life in Pictures
Dieterle Lorraine Jacyno Eng D 2001 Arlington National Cemetery [A Nation's Story carved in stone]
Di Eugenio James & Pease Lisa Eng A 2003 The Assassinations [Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcom X]
Di Eugenio James Eng A 2022 JFK Revisited through the looking glass
Discovery Channel Eng A DVD-2006 Conspiracy Files : The JFK Assassination
Discovery Channel Eng A DVD-2009 Did the Mob kill JFK?
Discovery Channel Eng A DVD-2008 JFK Conspiracy Myths
Discovery Channel Eng B DVD-2003 Kennedy & castro - The Secret History
Discovery Channel Eng A DVD-2010 The Kennedy Detail - Part 1
Discovery Channel Eng A DVD-2010 The Kennedy Detail - Part 2
Discovery Channel Eng A DVD Unsolved History- JFK:Death in Dealy Plaza
Dobbs Bobby J. Eng A n.a. Kennedy Chronicle
Dobbs Michael Eng B 2008 One Minute to Midnight [Kennedy, Khrushchev and Castro on the brink of nuclear war]
Dollen Charles Eng B 1965 John F.Kennedy American
Donaldson Gary A. Eng B 2007 The First Modern Campaign [Kennedy, Nixon and the Election of 1960]
Donaldson Roger Ita B DVD Thirteen Days
Donnelly Judy Eng A 1988 Who shot the President? [The Death of John F.Kennedy]
Donovan Robert J. Eng D 1962 The Assassins
Donovan Robert J. Eng B 2001 PT 109 - John F.Kennedy in WW II
Dornhelm Robert [director] Ita A VHS Marina Oswald - L'altra verità su JFK
Doty Mark and Slate John H. Eng D 2013 John F.Kennedy Sites in Dallas-Fort Worth
Douglas Gregory Eng A 2002 Regicide : The Official Assassination of John F.Kennedy
Drew Robert Eng B DVD Crisis : behind a Presidential commitment
Drew Robert Eng B DVD Primary
Dudley Brian R. (edited by) Eng B 1995 The Greatest Speeches of President JFK
Duncan Brown Madeleine Eng D 1997 Texas in the Morning
Durham T.Mack Eng D 2000 The Innocent Man Script : Cui Bone - To Whose Advantage?
Eddowes Michael Eng A 1977 The Osald File
Elborough Travis Ita D 2019 Lettere che hanno cambiato il mondo
Elliott Alan C. & Kwai Anna A. Eng B 2022 Rescuing JFK [How olomon Islanders rescued John F.Kennedy and the crew of PT-109]
Elliott Todd C. Eng A 2013 A Rose by many other names [Rose Cherami & the JFK Assassination]
Ellroy James Ita D 1995 American Tabloid
Eppridge Bill Eng C 2008 Bobby Kennedy in the Sixties
Epstain Edward Jay Eng A 1966 Inquest [The Warren Commission and the establishment of Truth]
Epstain Edward Jay Eng A 1978 Legend [The secret world of Lee Harvey Oswald]
Ernest Barry Eng A 2010 The Girl On The Stairs [My search for a missing witness to the assassination of John F.Kennedy]
Escalante Fabian Eng A 2006

JFK : The Cuba Files  [The untold story of the plot to kill Kennedy]

Estes Pam Eng D 2004 Billie Sol "The Man WHo Knows Who Shot JFK"
Estevez Emilio Eng C DVD Bobby
Evans Peter Eng D 1986 ARI - The life and times of Aristotle Onassis
Evica George Michael Eng A 2011 A Certain Arrogance
Exner Judith Eng D 1977 My Story
Fagin Stephen Eng A 2013 Assassination and Commemoration [JFK, Dallas and the Sxth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza]
Fay, Paul B., Jr Eng D 2003 The Battler with JFK and Other Individuals of Note
Fensch Thomas (editor) Eng B 2001 The Kennedy-Khrushchev Letters
Fetzer James H. Eng A 1998 Assassination Science [Experts speak out of the death of JFK]
Fetzer James H. Eng A 2000 Murder in Dealey Plaza [What we know now that we didn't know then about the Death of JFK]
Fido Martin Eng A 1995 Who Killed JFK? [audio cassettes]
Fiester Sherry P. Eng A 2012 Enemy of the Truth [Myths, Forensics and the Kennedy Assassination]
Fitzgerald Ken Eng D 2000 Dallas - Then and Now
Fitzpatrick Ellen Eng A 2010 Letters to Jackie [Condolences from a grieving nation]
Flaherty Tina Santi Eng C 2004 What Jackie taught us [Lessons from the remarkable life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis]
Fleming Dan B. Jr Eng B 2002 Ask What You Can Do For Your Country [The memory and Legacy of John F.Kennedy]
Fonzi Gaeton Eng A 1993 The Last Investigation [A former Federal Investigatort for the House Select Committee on Assassination breaks his oath of silence and tells what insiders know about the assassination of JFK]
Ford Gerald R. Eng A 1965 Portrait of the Assassin
Ford Gerald R. Eng D 1979 A Time to Heal [Autobiography of Gerald R.Ford]
Forestier Francois Ita B 2009 Marilyn e JFK [Sesso, droga e potere : la storia mai raccontata]
Forestier Francois Fra A 2013 JFK - Le Dernier Jour
Fox Sylvan Eng A 1975 The unanswered questions about President Kennedy's Assassination
Fracassi Franco & Turi Gianandrea Ita A 1995 JFK : Assassinio a Dallas
Freed Donald & Lane Mark Eng D 1973 Executive Action [A novel]
Freedman Lawrence Eng B 2000 Kennedy's Wars [Berlin, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam]
Frey Stephen Eng D 1999 The Legacy [The most shocking conspirancy theory of our time…is no longer a theory]
Friedel E.Z. Eng A 2007 The JFK Conspiracy : Breakthrough Evidence
Friedlander Lee Eng B 2013 HFK - A photographic Memoir
Friedman Stanton T. Eng D 2005 Top Secret/Majic [Operation Majestic-12 and the United States Government's UFO Cover-up]
Fries Chuck & Wilson Irv Eng B 2003 "We'll Never Be Young Again" [Remebering the last days  of John F.Kennedy]
Frisbee Lucy Post Eng B 1986 John F.Kennedy - America's Youngest President [Childhood of famous Americans]
Frost David Eng D 2007 Frost - Nixon [One journalist, one President, one confession]
Fuhrman Mark Eng A 2006 A Simple Act of Murder
Gadney Reg Eng B 1983 Kennedy
Gala Marilena Ita B 2004 Kennedy
Galbraith John Kenneth Eng D 1969 Ambassador's Journal
Galbraith John Kenneth Eng B 1998 Letters to Kennedy
Gallagher Mary Barelli Eng C 1969 My life with Jacqueline Kennedy
Gardner Gerald Eng D 1962 Who's in charge here?
Garner Joe Eng D 2002 We Interrupt This Broadcast [The events that stopped our lives...from the Hindenburg explosion to the Attacks of Sept.11]
Garrison Jim Eng A 1970 A Heritage of Stone
Garrison Jim Ita A 1992 JFK - Sulle tracce degli assassini
Gerosa Guido Ita D 1978 M. Luther King - Pro e Contro [I Dossier Mondadori]
Gethers Steven Eng C VHS-1995 Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy
Gibbs nancy and Duffy Michael Eng D 2012 The Presidents Club [Inside the World's Most Exclusive Fraternity]
Gibson Barbara, with Latham Caroline Eng C 1986 Life with Rose Kennedy
Gibson Donald Eng B 1994 Battling Wall Street : The Kennedy Presidency
Gillon Steven M. Eng A 2009 The Kennedy Assassination - 24 Hours After [Lyndon B.Johnson's pivotal first day as President]
Glatzer Jenna Ita D 2008 Marilyn Monroe [Tesori e Ricordi di una diva che incanto' il mondo]
Goduti Philip A., Jr Eng B 2009 Kennedy's kitchen cabinet and the pursuit of peace [The shaping of American Foreign Policy, 1961-1963]
Golden Harry Eng B 1964 Mr Kennedy and the Negroes [The story behind the Civil Rights Revolution]
Goldfarb Ronald Eng C 1995 Perfect Villains, Imperfect Heroes [Robert F.Kennedy's war against organized crime]
Golway Terry and Krantz Les Eng B 2010 JFK Day by Day [A Chronicle of the 1,036 Days of John F.Kennedy's Presidency]
Goodman Jon Eng B 2006 The Kennedy Mystique [Creating Camelot]
Goodwin Doris Kearns Eng C 1987 The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys - An American Saga
Goodwin Richard N. Eng D 1989 Remembering America [A voice from the Sixties]
Gormley Beatrice Eng C 2002 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis - Friend of the Arts
Graham Laurie Eng D 2008 The importance of being Kennedy
Greenberg B.S. and Parker E.B. Eng A 1965 The Kennedy Assassination and the American Public
Groden Robert J. Eng A 2002 JFK - The case for Conspiracy
Groden Robert J. Eng A 1993 The Killing of a President [ The complete Photographic Record of the JFK Assassination, the Conspiracy and the Cover-up]
Groden Robert J. Eng A 1995 The search for Lee Harvey Oswald [A comprehensive photographic record]
Groden Robert J.- Livingston Harrison Edward Eng A 1895 High Treason [The Assassination of President Kennedy and the new evidence of Conspiracy]
Gross Leonard Eng D 2013 The Memoirs of JFK: if Kennedy had survived [A novel]
Guthman Edwin O. & C.Richard Allen Eng C 1993 RFK - Collected Speeches
Hacker Kenneth L. Eng D 1995 Candidate Images in Presidential Elections
Halberstam David Ita D 1974 Le teste d'uovo [I politici che guidarono l'America negli anni del Vietnam]
Hamilton Nigel Eng B 1992 JFK - Reckless Youth
Hamilton Nigel French B 1992 JFK - Une jeunesse insouciante
Hampton Wilborn Eng A 1997 Kennedy assassinated! The world mourns [A reporter's story]
Hancock Larry Eng A 2006 Someone would have talked  [The Assassination of President John F.Kennedy and the Conspiracy to Mislead History]
Hancock Larry Eng A 2012 Nexus [The CIA and Political Assassination]
Harrington William Ita D 1997 L'Agguato
Haslam Edward T. Eng A 2007 Dr. Mary's Monkey [How the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing monkey viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and emerging global epidemics]
Haygood Wil Ita D 2013 The Butler - Un Maggiordomo alla Casa Bianca
Hellmann John Eng B 1997 The Kennedy Obsession [The american Myth of JFK]
Henggeler Paul R. Eng D 1991 In His Steps [Lyndon Johnson and the Kennedy Mystique]
Hennessy Maurice N. Eng B 1967 I'll come back in the springtime [JFK and the Irish]
Hepburn James Ita A 2012 Il Complotto [La controinchiesta segreta dei Kennedy sull'omicidio di JFK]
Herndon Booton Eng B 1964 The Humor of JFK
Hersh Seymour Eng B 1997 The Dark Side of Camelot
Heyman David C. Eng C 1994 A woman named Jackie [An intimate biography of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis]
Heyman David C. Eng C 2007 American Legacy [The story of John and Caroline Kennedy]
Heyman David C. Eng C 2009 Bobby and Jackie [A Love Story]
Highman Charles Eng C 1995 Rose [The Life and Times of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy]
Hill Clint Eng C 2012 Mrs Kennedy and me
Hill Clint & Lisa McCubbin Hill Eng C 2022 My Travels with Mrs Kennedy
Hill Tim Eng C 2003 JFK and Jackie - Unseen Archives
Hilty James W. Eng C 1997 Robert Kennedy - Brother & Protector
Hlavach Laura Eng A 1996 Reporting the Kennedy Assassination [Journalists who were there recall their experiences]
Holland Max Eng A 2004 The Kennedy Assassination Tapes [The White House conversations of Lyndon B. Johnson regarding the assassination, the Warren Commission and the aftermath]
Holloway Diane Eng A 2001 Dallas and the Jack Ruby Trial [Memoir of Judge Joe B.Brown, Sr]
Holloway Diane Eng A 2000 The Mind of Oswald : accused assassin of President J.F.Kennedy
Holzer Harold Eng D 2020 The Presidents vs the Press [The endless battle between the White House and the Media, from the Founding Fathers to Fake News]
Hoopes Roy Eng B 1964 What the President does all day [Memorial Edition]
Horne Douglas P. Eng A 2009 Inside the ARRB [Assassination Records Review Board] - Volume 1
Horne Douglas P. Eng A 2009 Inside the ARRB [Assassination Records Review Board] - Volume 2
Horne Douglas P. Eng A 2009 Inside the ARRB [Assassination Records Review Board] - Volume 3
Horne Douglas P. Eng A 2009 Inside the ARRB [Assassination Records Review Board] - Volume 4
Horne Douglas P. Eng A 2009 Inside the ARRB [Assassination Records Review Board] - Volume 5
Hosty James P. Jr Eng A 1996 Assignment : Oswald [From the FBI agent assigned to investigate Lee Harvey Oswald prior to JFK assassination]
Huffaker Bob, Mercer Bill, Phenix George, Wise Wes Eng A 2004 When the news went live; Dallas 1963
Hunt Conover Eng A 1997 Dealey Plaza - National Historic Landmark [including The Sixth Floor Museum]
Hunt Conover Eng B 1996 JFK for a New Generation
Hunt Irma Eng D 1978 Dearest Madame [The Presidents' Mistresses]
Hunter Stephen Eng D 2013 The Third Bullet
Jackson G.M. III Eng A 2019 Lee Harvey Oswald's speech at Spring Hill College - A report
Jacobs Jay Eng C 1968 RFK - His Life and Death
Janney Peter Eng A 2012 Mary's Mosaic [The CIA Conspiracy to murder John F.Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and their vision for world peace]
Jelinek Elfriede Ita C 2017 Jackie
Jennings Peter (ABC News) Eng A DVD-2003 The Kennedy Assassination- Beyond Conspiracy
Jensen J.Arthur Eng D 2000 The Kennedy Assassination [A historical novel]
Jensen J.Arthur Eng D 2019 The Kennedy Plan [A historical play]
Johnson McMillan Priscilla Eng A 1977 Marina and Lee
Jones Charles Clyde Eng D 2015 The Peace Corps: The Early Years
Jones Howard Eng B 2003 Death of a Generation [How the assassination of Diem and JFK prolonged the Vietnam war]
Jones James Earl Eng A DVD JFK : The Day The Nation Cried
Kaiser David Eng A 2008 The Road to Dallas
Kantor Seth Eng A 1978 The Ruby Cover-Up
Kashner Sam & Schoenberger Nancy Ita C 2019 Jackie e Lee [Due sorelle, una vita splendida e tragica]
Kauffman James L. Eng B 1994 Selling Outer Space [Kennedy, the Media, and Funding for Apollo Project, 1961-1963]
Kearns Doris Eng D 1976 Lyndon Johnson & the American Dream
Kelleher K.L. Eng C 2000 Jackie - Beyond the Myth of Camelot
Kennedy Caroline Eng C 2001 The Best Loved poems of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Kennedy Edward M. Ita C 1969 Decisioni per gli anni settanta
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Ita B 1962 Messaggi al Congresso [Gennaio - Marzo 1962]
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 1964 A Nation of Immigrants
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Ita B 1997 I Grandi discorsi : "La Nuova Frontiera"
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Ita B 1996 La Mia Sfida [I discorsi del Presidente piu' amato del dopoguerra]
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Ita B 1997 L'alba della nuova Europa [Diario europeo 1945]
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Ita B 2013 Non chiederti cosa il tuo Paese può fare per te, chiediti cosa puoi fare tu per il tuo Paese
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 1995 Prelude to Leadership [The European Diary of John F.Kennedy - Summer 1945]
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 1955 Profiles in Courage [The Pulitzer Prize winning account of men of principle, integrity and bravery in American Politics]
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 2008 Quotations of John F.Kennedy
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Ita B 1960 Strategia di Pace [I discorsi della "Nuova Frontiera"]
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 1961 Why England slept
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B CD-Rom The speeches of John F.Kennedy [mp3 collection]
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 1960 The Strategy of Peace
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 1961 To Speeches of Senator J.F.Kennedy - Presidential Campaign 1960
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 1962 To Turn the Tide
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 1964 The Burden and the Glory
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 1964 America The Beautiful
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B CD- 1957 John F.Kennedy read the "Declaration of Independence"
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 1964 State of the Union Addresses of John F. Kennedy
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 1991 JFK wants to know [Memos from the President's Office, 1961-1963]
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Ita B 2008 Ritratti del coraggio
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Ita B 2009 La Nuova Frontiera  [Scritti e Discorsi 1958-1963]
Kennedy John Fitzgerald Eng B 2019 John F. Kennedy Quotes [100 Thoughtful Quotes By US President John F. Kennedy]
Kennedy Maxwell Taylor Eng C 1999 Make gentle the life of this world [The Vision of Robert F.Kennedy]
Kennedy Robert F. Eng C 1960 The Enemy Within
Kennedy Robert F. Eng C 1963 Just Friends and Brave Enemies
Kennedy Robert F. Ita C 2012 Sogno cose che non sono mai state  [Discorsi 1964-1968]
Kennedy Robert F. Eng B 1968 Thirteen Days [A memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis]
Kennedy Robert F. Eng C 1968 To Seek a Newer World
Kennedy Rose Fitzgerald Eng C 1974 Times to Remember
Kennedy Stepehn Smith & Brinkley Douglas Eng B 2017 JFK: A Vision for America [Centennial Edition]
Kenney Charles Eng B 2000 The presidential portfolio - JFK [History as told through the collection of The John F.Kennedy Library and Museum]
Keogh Pamela Clarke Eng C 2001 Jackiestyle
Kessler Ronald Eng C 1996 The Sins of the Father [Joseph P.Kennedy and the Dinasty He Founded]
Kessler Ronald Eng C 2009 In the President's Secret Service [Behind the scenes with agents in the line of fire and the Presidents they protect]
Kimball Penn Ita C 1968 Bob Kennedy
King Dean Eng A 2012 Death in Dallas - The JFK Assassination
King Martin Luther Jr Eng D 1992 I have a Dream  [Writings and Speeches that changed the world]
King Martin Luther Jr Ita D 2001 I have a Dream  [L'autobiografia del profeta dell'uguaglianza]
King Stephen Eng D 2011 11.22.63
King Stephen Ita D 2011 22/11/63
Kirkwood James Eng A 1992 American Grotesque [An account of the Clay Shaw-Jim Garrison 'Kennedy Assassination' Trial in New Orleans]
Klaber William & Melanson Philip H. Eng C 1996 Shadow Play [Robert F.Kennedy, the trial of Shiran Shiran and the failure of American Justice]
Klein Edward Eng C 1996 All too human [The love story of Jack and Jackie Kennedy]
Klein Edward Eng C 1998 Just Jackie : Her Private Years
Klein Edward Eng C 2003 The Kennedy Curse [Why Tragedy Has Haunted America's First Family for 150 Years]
Klein Edward Ita C 2007 La Maledizione dei Kennedy
Klein Edward Eng C 2004 Farewell, Jackie [A portrait of her final days]
Klein Edward Eng C 2009 Ted Kennedy - The dream that never died
Knebel Fletcher & Blailey Charles W.II Ita D 1963 Sette giorni a Maggio
Knox Beran Michael Eng C 1998 The Last Patrician [Bobby Kennedy and the end of American Aristocracy]
Kochmann Rachel M. Eng D 2003 Presidents - Birthplaces, Homes and Burial Sites
Koning Christina Eng B 2003 The wicked wit of John F. Kennedy
Kornbluh Jesse Eng D 2020 JFK and Mary Meyer. A Love Story.
Kornbluh Peter Eng B 1998 Bay of Pigs declassified [The secret CIA report on the invasion of Cuba]
Kotsilibas-Davis James Eng D 1998 Milton's Marilyn
Kross Peter Eng A 2011 Oswald, the CIA and the Warren Commission : the Unanswered Questions
Krush Barry Eng A 2012 Impossible : The case against Lee Harvey Oswald (Volume One)
Krush Barry Eng A 2012 Impossible : The case against Lee Harvey Oswald (Volume Two)
Krush Barry Eng A 2012 Impossible : The case against Lee Harvey Oswald (Volume Three)
Kumar Martha Joynt Eng D 2010 Managing the President's message [The White House Communication Operation]
Kurtz Michael L. Eng A 2006 The JFK Assassination Debates [Lone Gunman versus Conspiracy]
La Fontaine Ray and Mary Eng A 1996 Oswald Talked : the new evidence in the JFK Assassination
Lambert Patricia Eng A 1998 False Witness [ The real story of Jim Garrison's Investigation and Oliver Stone's Film JFK]
Landi Giovanni Ita A 2022 Giorni che hanno fatto la Storia: 22.11.1963 L'Assassinio di JFK
Lane Mark Ita A 1966 L'America ricorre in appello
Lane Mark Eng A 1967 Rush to Judgement
Lane Mark Eng A 1992 Plausible Denial [Was the CIA involved in the Assassination of JFK?]
Laqueur Walter Ita D 1986 Un mondo di segreti [Impieghi e limiti dello spionaggio]
Lasky Victor Ita B 1964 JFK - L'Uomo e il Mito [Una biografia critica]
Lawrence Greg Eng C 2011 Jackie as Editor [The Literary Life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis]
Leamer Laurence Eng C 2004 Sons of Camelot [The Fate of an American Dynasty]
Leamer Laurence Eng C 2001 The Kennedy Men 1901-1963 : The Laws of the Father
Leaming Barbara Eng D 1998 Marilyn Monroe
Leaming Barbara Eng C 2001 Mrs Kennedy : The missing history of the Kennedy years
Lecomte-Dieu Frèdèric Fra C 2013 Kennedy - La vèritè sur le Clan
Leek Jim Eng A 2008 Long Shadows  [The Farewell to JFK]
Lehrer Jim Eng D 2013 Top Down [A Novel of the Kennedy Assassination]
Lertzman Richard A & Birnes William J. Eng D 2013 Dr. Feelgood [The shocking story of the doctor who may have changed history by treating and drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis and other prominent figures]
Levien David & Koppelman Brian Eng D DVD Interview with the Assassin
Levine I.E. Eng B 1969 Young Man in the White House
Levingston Steven Eng B 2013 (ebook) The Kennedy Baby [The loss that transformed JFK]
Lewis Ron Eng A 1993 Flashback- The untold story of Lee Harvey Oswald
Library of Congress Eng B 1964 J.F. Kennedy 1917-1963 - A Chronological List of References
Lincoln Evelyn Eng B 1965 My twelve years with John F.Kennedy
Lioni Gianluca & Fina Michele Ita D 2018 I Grandi Discorsi che hanno cambiato la Storia
Livingstone Harrison Edward Eng A 1992 High Treason 2 [The great Cover-up: The Assassination of President John F.Kennedy]
Lord Longford Ita B 1977 Kennedy
Loviny Christophe & Touze Vincent Eng B 2003 JFK - Remembering Jack [includes an audio CD]
Lowe Jacques Eng C 1996 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis - The Making of a First Lady
Lowe Jacques Eng B 1983 Kennedy - A Time Remembered
Lowe Jacques Eng B 2003 Remembering Jack [Intimate and Unseen Photographs of the Kennedys]
Lubin David M. Eng D 2003 Shooting Kennedy - JFK an the culture of images
Luckett Robert E. Jr Eng D 2015 Joe T. Patterson and the White South's Dilemma [Evolving resistance to Black advancement]
Macfadden-Bartell Corporation Eng B 1964 A John F.Kennedy Memorial
Maerker Christa Ita D 1997 Marilyn Monroe & Arthur Miller
Magionami Paolo Ita D 2009 Gli anni della Luce [1950-1972: l'epoca d'oro della corsa allo spazio]
Mahoney Richard D. Eng C 1999 Sons & Brothers [The days of Jack and Bobby Kennedy]
Maier Thomas Eng C 2003 The Kennedys - America's Emerald Kings
Mailer Norman Ita D 2012 Marilyn
Mailer Norman Eng A 1995 Oswald's Tale - An American Mistery
Maillot Christophe Fra B 2023 L'Humour Chez JFK [Une arme politique]
Mallon Thomas Eng A 2002 Mrs Paine's Garage and the Murder of J.F.Kennedy
Manchester William Ita A 1967 Morte di un Presidente
Manchester William Eng A 1967 The Death of a President
Mara Wil Eng A 2013 Frame 232  [A Novel]
Mari Francesco- Elisabetta Bertol- Barbara Gualco Ita D 2010 L'enigma della morte di Marilyn Monroe
Marr Andrew Eng B DVD-2010 JFK. The Making Of Modern Politics
Marrs Jim Eng A 1989 Crossfire- The plot that killed Kennedy
Marshall Bernard A. Eng B 2023 John F.Kennedy - The London Story
Martin Orlando Eng A 2010 JFK - Analysis of a shooting: the ultimate  ballistics truth exposed
Martin Ralph G. Ita B 1985 Un eroe per il nostro tempo [L'intima storia di una mitica dinastia]
Martinez Hoyos Francisco Spa B 2017 Kennedy
Matthews Chris Eng B 2011 Jack Kennedy - Elusive Hero
May Ernest R & Zelikow Philip D. Eng B 1997 The Kennedy Tapes [Inside the White House during the Cuban Missile Crisis]
Mayer Robert Eng D 1989 I, JFK
McBride Joseph Eng A 2013 Into the Nightmare [My search for the killer of President John F.Kennedy and Officer J.D.Tippit]
McCarthy Joe Eng B 1960 The remarkable Kennedys
McDonaldo Hugh C. Eng A 1975 Appointment in Dallas: the final solution to the assassination of JFK
McKeon Kathy Eng C 2017 Jackie's Girl [My Life with the Kennedy Family]
Melanson Philip H. Eng D 1989 The Martin Luther King Assassination
Mellen Joan Eng D 2012 Our Man in Haiti [George de Mohrenschildt and the CIA in the Nightmare Republic]
Mellen Joan Eng A 2013 A Farewell to Justice [Jim Garrison, JFK's Assassination and the case that should have changed history]
Menninger Bonar Eng A 1992 Mortal Error [The Shot that killed JFK]
Mercurio G - Petricca S. Ita D 1995 Marilyn Monroe - La vita, il mito
Metta Michele Eng A 2019 On the Trail of Clay Shaw  [The Italian undercover CIA and Mossad station and the Assassination of JFK]
Michal Bernard Ita D 1969 I Grandi Misteri della Guerra Fredda
Michelot Vincent Fre B 2013 Kennedy
Michener James A. Eng B 1961 Report of the County Chairman [Personal story of the Presidential election campaign 1960]
Miller Tom Eng A 1977 The Assassination Please Almanac
Milton Joyce Eng B 2002 John F.Kennedy - Biography
Minutaglio Bill & Steven L. Davis Eng A 2013 Dallas 1963
Moldea Dan E. Eng C 1995 The Killing of Robert F.Kennedy [An investigation of Motive, Means and Opportunity]
Monda Antonio Ita D 2021 Il principe del mondo
Mondell Allen and Cynthia Eng A VHS John F.Kennedy and the memory of a nation
Monroe Marilyn Ita D 2010 Marilyn Monroe - FRAGMENTS  [Poesiem, Appunti, Lettere]
Montalban Manuel Vasquez Ita D 1972 Ho ammazzato J.F.Kennedy [romanzo]
Moore Jim Eng A 1990 Conspiracy of One [The definitive book on the Kennedy assassination]
Moore Lance Eng A 2013 Killing JFK : 50 Years, 50 Lies
Morgan Bert Eng C 2002 Young Jackie
Morris Errol Eng D DVD-2003 The Fog of War [Rober S. MacNamara. A whole new story]
Morrow Lance Eng B 2005 The Best Year of Their Lives : Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon in 1948
Morrow Robert D. Eng A 1992 First Hand Knowledge  [How I participated in the CIA-Mafia murder of President Kennedy]
Mulvaney Jay Eng A 2010 Dear Mrs Kennedy  [The world shares its grief letters, November 1963]
Mulvaney Jay Eng C 2002 Diana & Jackie
Mulvaney Jay Eng C 1999 Kennedy Weddings : A Family Album
Murphy Derrick Eng B 2004 JFK & LBJ
Murphy Tom Eng C 1998 Jack & Bobby
Myers Dale K. Eng A 1998 With Malice [Lee Harvey Oswald and the murder of Officer J.D.Tippit]
National Archives Eng A DVD JFK Exhibit : Reconstruction Film
National Geographic Ita A DVD-2013 JFK - L'ultimo mistero
National Geographic Eng B DVD The search for Kennedy's PT109
Nechiporenko Oleg Maximovich Eng A 1993 Passport to Assassination [The never-before-told of Lee Harvey Oswald by the KGB Colonel who knew him]
Newman John M. Eng B 1992 JFK and Vietnam
Noonan William Sylvester Eng C 2006 Forever Young  [My Friendship with John F.Kennedy, Jr]
North Mark Eng A 1991 Act of Treason  [The role of J.Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of President Kennedy]
Oates Joyce Carol Ita D 2021 Blonde
O'Donnel Kenneth P & Powers David F., with McCarthy Joe Eng B 1972 "Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye" [Memories of John Fitzgerald Kennedy]
Olsen Peter M. Eng D 2017 President John F.Kennedy and The Berlin Wall
O'Reilly Bill & Dugard Martin Eng A 2012 Killing Kennedy [The End of Camelot]
O'Reilly Bill & Dugard Martin Ita A 2013 Killing Kennedy [Da Washington a Dallas: la fine del sogno americano]
O'Sullivan Shane Eng C DVD - 2008 RFK Must Die [The Assassination of Bobby Kennedy]
Oglesby Carl Eng A 1992 Who killed JFK?
Oliver Beverly Eng A 2003 Nightmare in Dallas [The "Babushka Lady"]
Olsen Jack Eng C 2004 Aphrodite - Desperate Mission
Oppenheimer Jerry Eng C 1994 The other Mrs Kennedy [An intimate and revealing look at the hidden life of Ethel Skakel Kennedy]
Oswald Robert L. Eng A 1967 He was my brother
Oswald Robert L., with Myrick and Barbara Land Eng A 1967 Lee, A Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald, by his brother Robert Oswald
Palazzolo Lanfranco Ita B 2010 Kennedy shock
Palmer Mary S. Eng D 2016 George Wallace: an enigma [The complex life of Alabama's most divisive and controversial governor]
Paris Match-L'Histoire Fre B 2013 C'etait...l'Amerique de Kennedy [En 1963, le reve se brisait]
Patterson James Eng C 2020 The House of Kennedy
Pecau Jean-Pierre, Duval Fred & Blanchard Fred Fre D 2011 Qui a tue' le President?  [22 November 1973 : l'Amerique sous le choc apres l'assassinat de Dallas]
Pecker Albert Eng C 2003 The Final Hour - The JFK Jr Tragedy
Perret Geoffrey Eng B 2001 Jack : A Life like no other
Perret Geoffrey Ita B 2001 Kennedy
Phillips Donald T. Eng A 2009 A deeper, darker truth [Tom Wilson's Journey into the Assassination of John F.Kennedy]
Pietrusza David Eng B 2008 1960 - LBJ vs JFK vs Nixon [The epic campaign that forged three Presidencies]
Pino Silvia Ita C 2022 Grandi Amori: John F.Kennedy & Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy
Pitts David Eng B 2007 Jack and Lem [The untold story of an extraordinary friendship]
Porter Katherine Anne Eng C 1964 Jacqueline Kennedy - Woman of Valor
Posner Gerald Eng A 1993 Case Closed [Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK]
Posner Gerald Eng D 1998 Killing the Dream [James Earl Ray and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr]
Pottker Jan Eng C 2001 Janet & Jackie [The story of a Mother and Her Daughter, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis]
Preti Luigi Ita D 1970 Dialoghi della Nuova Frontiera
Prouty L.Fletcher Eng A 1996 JFK - The CIA,Vietnam and the plot to assassinate JFK
Purnell Brian &Theoharis Jeanne Eng D 2019 The strange careers of the Jim Crow North [Segregation and struggle outside of the South]
Quinlan Case J. and Edwards Brian K. Eng A 2008 Beyond the fence line [The eyewitness account of Ed Hoffman and the murder of President Kennedy]
Quirck Lawrence J. Eng C 1996 The Kennedys in Hollywood
Ramsay Robin Eng A 2007 Who shot JFK?
Read Julian Eng A 2013 JFK's Final Hours in Texas
Reed Gary Eng D 1997 The Red Diaries
Reed Margaret & Lownds Joan Eng C 2018 The Dogs of Camelot [Stories of the Kennedy canines]
Reeves Richard Eng B 1993 President Kennedy - Profile of Power
Remington Rodger A. Eng A 2002 The People vs The Warren Report
Remington Rodger A. Eng A 2005 Falling Chips [A Deconstruction of the Single-Bullet theory of the JFK Assassination]
Renehan Edward J. Jr Eng C 2002 The Kennedys at War 1937-1945
Reston James Jr Eng D 1989

The Lone Star [The Life of John Connally]

Reymond William & Billie Sol Estes French A 2003 JFK - Le Dernier Temoin
Rienzi Robert Eng D 2002 It rained in Dallas
Robertson Dan Eng A 2006 Definitive Proof : The Secret Service Murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Rorabaugh W.J. Eng B 2002 Kennedy and the promise of the Sixties
Rossi Christian Ita B 2006 La 'Freedom Doctrine' di John F.Kennedy [Cooperazione allo sviluppo e disarmo nell'Europa Medityerranea (1961-1963)]
Rossi Francesco Ita B 2010 John F.Kennedy visto da vicino
Rout Bruce Eng D 2020 Resolution 50 years later
Runberg-Damour-Kaspi Ita B 2017 Kennedy [Comics Historica-Biografie]
Rusk Dean Eng D 1990 As I saw it
Sabato Larry J. Eng A 2013 The Kennedy Half Century [The Presidency, Assassination and Lasting Legacy of John F.Kennedy]
Salandria Vincent J. Eng A 2004 False Mystery [Essays on the Assassination of JFK]
Salinger Pierre Eng C 1968 An Honorable Profession [A tribute to Robert F. Kennedy]
Salinger Pierre Ita B 1967 Con Kennedy
Salinger Pierre Eng B 1997 John F.Kennedy - Commander in Chief [A profile in Leadership]
Salisbury Harrison E. Eng C 1980 The Kennedys : a New York Times profile
Salla Michael E. Eng A 2013 Kennedy's Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFK's Assassination
Saunders Frank Eng C 1982 Torn Lace Curtain - Life with the Kennedys
Sauvage Leo Eng A 1966 The Oswald Affair [An examination of the contradictions and omissions of the Warren Report]
Savage Gary Eng A 1993 JFK - First Day Evidence
Scheim David E. Eng A 1988 Contract on America
Schiller Lawrence Ita D 2012 Marilyn & me [Un memoir fotografico]
Schlesinger Arthur M.Jr Ita B 1965 I mille giorni di John F.Kennedy [Una cronaca minuziosa "dall'interno" della politica di JFK]
Schlesinger Arthur M.Jr Eng C 1978 Robert Kennedy and his times
Schlesinger Arthur M.Jr Eng B 2003 The election of 1960 and the Administration of J.F.Kennedy
Schlesinger Arthur M.Jr Eng D 2007 JOURNALS 1952-2000
Schlesinger Arthur M.Jr & Caroline Kennedy Eng C Book+8 CDs
Jacqueline Kennedy - Historic conversations on life with John F. Kennedy [Interviews with Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr 1964]
Schmitt Edward R. Eng C 2010 President of the Other America [Robert Kennedy & the politics of poverty]
Schneider Nicholas A. Eng B 1965 Religious Views of President John F.Kennedy
Schwimmer George Eng A 2019 (kindle) O - The Legend of Lee Harvey Oswald - A Play
Sciacca Tony Eng B 1976 Kennedy and his Women [The stories behind the headlines]
Scott William E. Eng A 1999 November 22,1963 [A Reference Guide to the JFK Assassination]
Sferrazza Carl Anthony Eng C 1997 As we remember her [Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in the words of her family and friends]
Sferrazza Carl Anthony Eng C 2001 Kennedy White House : Family Life and Pictures, 1961-1963
Shaw Larry [director] Eng C DVD-2000 Jackie Ethel Joan : the women of Camelot
Shaw Mark Eng C 2000 The Classic Album of the Kennedy Family
Shaw Mark Eng A 2013 The Poison Patriarch [How the betrayals of Joseph P.Kennedy caused the assassination of JFK]
Shaw Sam & Rosten Norman Eng D 1988 Marilyn among friends
Shenon Philip Ita A 2013 Anatomia di una Assassinio [Storia segreta dell'omicidio Kennedy]
Shenon Philip Eng A 2013 A cruel and shocking act [The secret history of the Kennedy Assassination]
Sherrill Robert Eng D 1968 The Accidental President [The Election Year Blocknuster on LBJ]
Shesol Jeff Eng C 1997 Mutual Contempt
Shoor Gene Eng B 1963 Young John Kennedy
Sidey Hugh Eng B 1963 John F.Kennedy- Portrait of a President
Signorini Alfonso Ita D 2010 Marilyn
Silver Kenneth E. Eng D 2003 JFK and Art
Simon Carly Eng C 2019 Touched by the sun [My friendship with Jackie]
Sloan Bill, with Jean Hill Eng A 1992 JFK-The Last Dissenting Witness
Smith Amanda Eng C 2001 Hostage to Fortune [The letters of Joseph P.Kennedy]
Smith Matthew Eng A 1992 JFK - The Second Plot
Smith Matthew Eng A 2001 Say Goodbye to America
Smith Matthew Eng A 2005 The Kennedys [The conspiracy to destroy a dynasty]
Sneed Larry A. Eng A 1998 No more silence : An Oral History of the Assassination of President Kennedy
Snègaroff Thomas Fra B 20138 Kennedy - Une vie en clair-obscur
Sommer Shelley Eng B 2005 John F.Kennedy - His Life and Legacy
Sorensen Theodore C. Eng D 1963 Decision-Making in the White House
Sorensen Theodore C. Eng B 1966 Kennedy
Sorensen Theodore C. Eng B 1966 Kennedy
Sorensen Theodore C. Ita C 1970 L'eredità dei Kennedy
Sorensen Theodore C. Eng B 1991 Let the Word Go Forth [The speeches, statements, and writings of John F.Kennedy - 1947 to 1963]
Sorensen Theodore C. Eng D 2008 Counselor [A life at the edge of history]
Spada James Eng C 2001 John and Caroline [ Their lives in Pictures]
Specter Arlen Eng D 2001 Passion for Truth [ From finding JFK's single bullet to questioning Anita Hill to impeaching Clinton]
Spoto Donald Eng C 2000 Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis - A Life
Stafford Jean Eng A 1966 A mother in history [Mrs Marguerite Oswald, mother of Lee Harvey Oswald]
Steel Ronald Eng C 2000 In Love with Night - The American romance with Robert Kennedy
Stein Conrad R. Eng A 1992 The Assassination of John F.Kennedy
Stein Jean Eng C 1970 American Journey [The times of Robert Kennedy]
Stern Sheldon M. Eng B 2003 Averting 'The Final Failure' [John F.Kennedy and the Secrety Cuban Crisis Meetings]
Stevens Gordon Eng D 1994 Kennedy's Ghost
Stone Oliver Eng A 1992 JFK - The Documented Sceenplan [The Book of the Film]
Stone Oliver Ita-Eng A DVD JFK - Un caso ancora aperto [Film]
Stone Oliver Ita A VHS JFK - Un caso ancora aperto [Film]
Stone Roger, with Mike Colapietro Eng A 2013 The man who killed Kennedy - The case against LBJ
Stoughton Cecil & Clifton Chester V. Eng B 1973 The Memories - JFK 1961-1963
Stuart Mel Eng A DVD - 1964 Four Days in November [The 1964 Oscar Nominated DOcumentary about the JFK Assassination]
Stuart Mel Eng A VHS - 1978 Ruby and Oswald
Suero Orlando Eng C 2001 Camelot at Dawn : Jacqueline and John Kennedy in May,1954
Summers Anthony Ita D 1983 La vita segreta di J.Edgar Hoover [Direttore dell'FBI]
Summers Anthony Eng A 1991 The Kennedy Conspiracy
Summers Anthony Ita D 2022 Dea: le vite segrete di Marilyn Monroe
Swanson James Eng A 2013 End of Days [The Assassination of John F.Kennedy]
Swanson James L. Eng A 2013 "The President has been shot" [The Assassination of John F.Kennedy]
Sweetheart Amalia M. Eng B 2020 Fallen Phrases Puzzle Book : JFK Inspirational Speeches Quotes
Tague James T. Eng A 2003 Truth Withheld - A Survivor's Story
Tague James T. Eng A 2013 LBJ and the Kennedy killing
Talbot David Eng C 2007 Brothers [The hidden story of the Kennedy Years]
Taraborrelli Randy J. Eng C 2000 Jackie, Ethel and Joan : Women of Camelot
Taylor Blaine Eng A 2013 Dallas Fifty Years On: The murder of John F.Kennedy
Tedrow Richard L & Tedrow Thomas L. Eng C 1976 Death at Chappaquiddick
Terenzio RoseMarie Eng C 2012 Fairy Tale Interrupted [A Memoir of Life, Love, and Loss]
The Dallas Morning News Eng A CD-Rom JFK : The Story Behind the Story
The Boston Globe Eng C 2009 Ted Kennedy - Scenes from an epic life
The Dallas Morning News Eng A 1990 November 22 - The Day Remembered [as reported by The Dallas Morning News]
The Dallas Morning News Eng A 1993 The Day JFK Died [Thirty years later: the event that changed a generation]
The History Channel Eng A VHS The Death of JFK : Assassination and aftermath
The History Channel Eng A VHS Warren Commission Report
The Kansas City Star Eng B 1964 The torch is passed...
The New York Times Eng A 2003 Four Days in November [The Original Coverage of JFK Assassination by the Staff of The New York Times]
Thomas Evan Eng C 2000 Robert Kennedy - His Life
Thompson Robert E. Eng A 1977 The trial of Lee Harvey Oswald
Tierney Tom Eng D 1990 John F.Kennedy and His family - Paper Dolls in Full Color
Titovets Ernst P. Eng A 2010 Oswald : Russian episode
Tracy Kathleen Eng A 2008 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Book - A portrait of an American Icon
Trask Richard B. Eng A 2005 National Nightmare on six feet of film [Mr Zapruder's home movie and the murder of President Kennedy]
Trask Richard B. Eng A 1996 Photographic Memory
Trask Richard B. Eng A 1994 Pictures of the pain [Photography and the assassination of President Kennedy]
Trask Richard B. Eng A 2000 That Day in Dallas [Three Photographers capture on film the day President Kennedy Died]
Tregaskis Richard Eng B 1962 John F.Kennedy : War Hero
Tregaskis Richard Eng B 1962 John F.Kennedy and PT-109
Tubridy Ryan Eng B 2010 JFK in Ireland [Four days that Changed a President]
Tucker John Allen Eng B 2012 John F.Kennedy's North Carolina Campaign
Upadhyay Ritu Eng B 2005 John F. Kennedy - The Making of a Leader [TIME For Kids]
Updegrove Mark K. Eng B 2022 Incomparable Grace [JFK in the Presidency]
USA TODAY Eng C 2009 Ted Kennedy - An America Icon  [A tribute to teh Lion of teh Senate]
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Final Report
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume I - Hearings
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume II - Hearings
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume III - Hearings
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume IV - Hearings
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume V - Hearings
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume VI - Appendix to Hearings
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume VII - Appendix to Hearings
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume VIII - Appendix to Hearings
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume IX - Appendix to Hearings
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume X - Appendix to Hearings
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume XI - Appendix to Hearings
US House of Representatives Eng A 1979 HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations]  - Volume XII - Appendix to Hearings
Vaccara Stefano Ita A 2013 Carlos Marcello, il boss che odiava i Kennedy
Valente Leonardo Ita C 1968 Kennedy 5 Giugno 1968 - Quasi una Leggenda
Vary Baker Judyth Eng A 2010 Mee and Lee [How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald] 
Vary Baker Judyth Eng A 2014 David Ferrie 
Veltroni Walter Ita C 1993 ll sogno spezzato [ Le idee di Robert Kennedy]
Verdegiglio Diego Ita A 1998 Ecco chi ha ucciso John Kennedy
Verlhac Anne Ita D 2007 Marilyn Monroe - L'eterno mito della bellezza
Von Hoffman Alexander Eng B 2004 John F.Kennedy's Birthplace
Von Post Gunilla Eng B 1997 Love, Jack
Waldron Lamar Eng A 2013 The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination [The Definitive Account of the Most Controversial Crime of the Twentieth Century]
Wallace Chris Eng B 2024 Countdown 1960
Warren Earl Eng D 1977 The Memoirs of Chief Justice Earl Warren
Watney Hedda Lyons Eng C 1991 Jackie
Weberman Alan J. - Canfield Michael Eng A 1992 Coup d'Etat in America [The CIA and the Assassination of John F.Kennedy]
Weisberg Harold Eng A 1994 Case Open [The Omissions, Distortions and Falsifications of Case Closed]
Weisberg Harold Ita A 1967 Chi ha ucciso Kennedy? [Le prove della congiura]
Weisberg Harold Eng A 1994 Selections from Whitewash
Weisberg Harold Eng A 1966 Whitewash
Wexler Stuart - Hancock Larry Eng D 2012 The Awful Grace of God [Religious Terrorism, White Supremacy and the Unsolved Murder of Martin Luther King Jr]
Whalen Richard J. Ita C 1967 Il fondatore dei KENNEDY
Whalen Thomas J. Eng B 2000 Kennedy vs Lodge [The 1952 Massachusetts Senate Race]
White Mark J. Eng B 1999 The Kennedys and Cuba [The declassified Documentary History]
White Theodore H. Eng B 1961 The Making of the President 1960
White Theodore H. Ita B 1962 Come si fa il Presidente
Wicker Tom Eng B 1968 JFK and LBJ [The influence of Personality upon Politics]
Williams Hywel Ita D 2014 I Discorsi che hanno cambiato il Mondo Moderno
Willis Clint Eng C 2001 Kennedys [Stories of Life and Death from an American Family]
Wills Chuck Eng B 2009 Jack Kennedy : The illustrated Life of a President [featuring intimate photos, personal memorabilia and history-making documents]
Wills Garry Eng C 1981 The Kennedy Imprisonment
Wilson Colin & Damon Eng A 1992 World Famous Unsolved Crimes
Wolfe Donald H. Eng D 1998 The last days of Marilyn Monroe
Wrone David R. Eng A 2003 The Zapruder Film - Reframing JFK's Assassination
Young Justin Robert Eng B 2019 Raise the Dead : Nixon vs Kennedy
Zapruder Eng A DVD Image of an assassination : a new look at the Zapruder film
Zelizer Barbie Eng A 1992 Covering the Body [The Kennedy Assassination, the Media and the Shaping of Collective Memory]
Zirbel Craig I. Eng A 1991 The Texas Connection

(*)    A  - related to JFK Assassination
        B - related to JFK life
        C - related to JFK family
        D - Miscellaneous related to JFK time 


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