ACS Cobham



As of August 2004, my son Francesco has moved to UK with my family and he is now a proud member of  ACS Cobham-International School.
This is a wonderful experience for him, and we'll collect on this homepage  some of the most significant photo & news about this new adventure.

ACS Cobham- Photos of the School
Middle School Soccer - Fall 2004 Try-outs
Middle School Soccer - Season 2004-2005
M.S. Soccer - Stanmore Tourney-6 November 2004
Middle School Baseball - Spring 2005 Try-outs
Middle School Graduation - June 21,2005
Italian Flag Cerimony - June 2, 2006
Junior Varsity Soccer Tourney - November 4, 2006



Do you want to go to the official ACS-International School Website? Click here

Biagio Privitera's Website.  You can contact me at